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Saturday, June 25, 2005

Is It Rude To Yawn?

I have absolutely no energy today. I have no reason for my fatigue besides the fact that my mind has been racing all day. Since I have nothing to say today, I'll ask a question. Is it rude to yawn during a meeting? I mean, maybe my brain just needs a little more oxygen at the moment. Sometimes it is from boredome, but more often than not it is just that I'm a bit tired. I might just need to smell the scent of lemon, or stretch, or have a piece of candy. Candy works if you are near the middle or end of the meeting, but you usually come to a crashing point pretty quickly after your sugar high ends. I might need to try getting more sleep...but I get 6-7 hours a sleep every night and by the looks of it, that's the norm. Back to my question, if I had my handy Etiquette or Miss Manners book I would get it out and see what she would say. I am guessing that if I question the presence of rudeness in an action, someone could probably interpret it that way. Or does it cancel out the rudeness if you cover your mouth when you yawn? hmmm...


At 9:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hmm, not sure if it's rude or not, but it's definitely not a compliment to the person leading the meeting! I would say the more discreet you can be, the better! I go to a lot of classes at work, and the trainers are smart enough to keep a supply of candy on all the tables! One of them even brings baskets of small toys, like slinkys and various stress relievers, that are fun to play with while you listen.

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Katy C. said...

Think of it this way - yawning is better then actually falling asleep during a meeting. Try bouncing your legs when you start feeling sleepy. It helps get the blood flowing and since you're moving it's harder to drift off.

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Terri Munro said...

I think that it is rude, bu sometimes unavoidable. i either cover my mouth, or do the closed-mouth-flared nostril un-yawn. At boring meetings here @ my work, I take a legal pad and write down my personal to-do list!! although i guess that wouldn't work if you actually needed to know what was going on. I agree w/ k8e, the foot bouncing is good. or take coffee in.


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