Share The Music
I have had my iPod for several years now. It was put to very good use during workouts, long trips, to help me sleep through a roomie's snoring, and many other times just for the sake of listening to good music to brighten my mood. During my trip to Germany I decided that it was time to give the husband my collection of great music. If an effort to continue supporting iPod and ensure that I wasn't left in silence I downsized to a fantistic little iPod shuffle! It still fits about 16 CDs on it and is so tiny I hardly notice it is on me during my runs. The only down side for me is that you can't see which songs are playing and you must go through all A-R songs to get to my favorite Shade songs. I currently have it loaded with songs from my hubby's collection, but will soon remedy my issue with it by loading only my very favorite CDs on there. I can honestly say I usually listen to a Playlist I've created called "Country You'd Listen To", "In Flight" (with favorites and a few comedy excerts about flying), "ZZZZzzzz" (for before bed), and Dave Mathews the most. So 45 out of every 50 listenings I don't utilized the size of the larger iPod. So I think I will never miss it. And I sure won't miss the bulk of it since I'm in the mood of having mini things. Meanwhile, giving the husband an invaluable gift of iPod luxury and every song, audiobook, comedy moment on my computer for him to enjoy and learn to sing for me. And I am happy to report that I have already heard a quality version of "The Taliban Song" over the phone the last time we spoke. Give me a song and make me smile; Play me a song and make me happy; Sing me a song and melt my heart. (Thanks Boo!)