Thanks Uncle Sam

What next?

Friday, February 09, 2007


This past week I went on a work trip to Pisa, Italy. I helped support a conference in the local area. It was a lot of traveling (and not in business class, get real...)and a few days with longer hours, but I did get the privilege to enjoy touring the Leaning Tower of Pisa area! It was absolutely beautiful and historically amazing! I stayed in a hotel that was right on the beach, but this is their low season for tourism and I got a very affordable government rate. For some reason they have sprinklers right next to the water on that beach right now. I have no idea why, but can only guess 1 or 2 things. 1 -- they are watering the sand to prevent wind erosion or 2 -- there is a recent planting of sea oats and they are being watered in order for optimum growth for peak season. Strangely, while we were there the local gas stations had a gas strike. If I had driven it would have been trouble, but my transportation was taken care of. And on the last night I was there the hotel's electricity went out! They had a back-up generator for their reception area and hotel hallways, but my room lights stayed out until maybe 3 in the morning! William and Snitzel took care of each other while I was away, but we did get to speak every day that I was gone. Well I enjoyed my trip, but it is good to be back home with my hubby and my Mr. Snitzel!